Deciphering the Venice Biennale: Balancing Artistic Showcase with Commercial Intricacies
Many people believe that art showcased at events like the Venice Biennale isn't up for sale, viewing it solely as a government-backed showcase for contemporary art. However, this perception doesn't quite align with reality. While it's true that artworks themselves can't be bought or sold within the context of these biennials, the art market has ingeniously found ways to capitalize on these occasions. In the following text, we'll explore the dynamic interplay between the cultural and commercial dimensions of art within the biennale framework.
6 May 2024
Deciphering the Venice Biennale: Balancing Artistic Showcase with Commercial Intricacies 6 May 2024
Many people believe that art showcased at events like the Venice Biennale isn't up for sale, viewing it solely as a government-backed showcase for contemporary art. However, this perception doesn't quite align with reality. While it's true that artworks themselves can't be bought or sold within the context of these biennials, the art market has ingeniously found ways to capitalize o...
A Look at Iran's Tax Laws on Culture and Art 16 January 2024
The tax law in Iran exempts the activities of the culture and art sector from paying taxes. But in some cases, exceptions have been made. In the following, we will discuss the tax laws on the culture and art sector.
Art Dealing and Gallery Ownership, Overlapping Activities 29 November 2023
Art dealing has always been associated with a negative charge, especially in the art world! Perhaps the reason is related to the material aspect of art, the profiteering of dealers and the loss of some artists. There are many historical and famous examples of a fight between a dealer and an artist, one of which is the controversy surrounding Scull's auction at Parque Bennet between...
Art as Asset Class 6 November 2023
Art can be considered a kind of property and capital due to some capacities. Buying art brings financial returns and, like other traditional assets, increases in value over time. Art can be bought and sold because a separate market has been created for it. In the meantime, buying works from prominent artists has shown a positive return and has attracted investors to create diversity...
A Beginner’s Guide to Consigning Your Art for Sale 5 September 2023
To “consign” a painting, according to Merriam-Webster, is to send or address it to an agent to be cared for or sold. In the art world, the term is used when collectors, artists, and galleries entrust other galleries or auction houses with artworks, hoping to make a sale.Simple in definition, more complex in actuality. Anyone interested in consigning must make key decisions: Do you w...