Iranian Art Market Report for 1402 SH (2023-2024)
Artchart, which had previously examined the Iranian Art  Market in 1401 SH (2022-2023), has once again provided an in-depth report for 1402 SH (2023-2024). The forthcoming report will analyze the data collected in 1402 SH and compare it to previous years to illustrate the current state and trends within the Iranian art market. The initial section provides an overview of the most significant events affecting the market during the year. Subsequent sections offer detailed statistics, spotlight the year's most expensive and best-selling works, profile top-performing artists, and explore gallery activities and Iranian artists' performances at international auctions and the Tehran auction.
20 April 2024
Iranian Art Market Report for 1402 SH (2023-2024) 20 April 2024
Artchart, which had previously examined the Iranian Art  Market in 1401 SH (2022-2023), has once again provided an in-depth report for 1402 SH (2023-2024). The forthcoming report will analyze the data collected in 1402 SH and compare it to previous years to illustrate the current state and trends within the Iranian art market. The initial section provides an overview of the mos...
The world's most expensive photo till now just 12 million dollars 12 June 2023
A black-and-white photo titled "'Le Violon d'Ingres" by Man Ray, an American artist who lived in Paris, sold for $12.4 million at Christie's auction on May 2022. In this report, the photography market and auction houses active in this market have been discussed.
Sixteenth Tehran Art Auction Report 3 July 2022
On the evening of Friday, July 1, 2022, the sixteenth edition of the Tehran Auction dedicated to contemporary Iranian art was held at the Parsian Azadi Hotel. At this event, 120 artworks by 117 artists were offered for sale. The auction successfully sold all of the artworks, achieving a total sales figure of 78 billion and 100 million tomans. The average price per piece (by dividing...