Fereydoun Ave

Iran | 1945
About Fereydoun Ave

The Most Expensive Artwork

At Auctions

First Attendance
24 May 2006
# Attendance
# Artworks
Average Realized Price
6,509 USD
Average Min Estimate
4,986 USD
Average Max Estimate
7,506 USD
Sell-through Rate
Average Growth of Artwork Worth
Artist’s Emergency Aid Part V exhibition 14 March
Modern and Contemporary Collector exhibition 7 February
Treasure 6 exhibition 10 January

نمای خارجی گالری شماره 13 خیابان ونک - چیدمان نازگل انصارنیا
The Role of Galleries in the Art Market; Iranian Gallery Owners and Multilateral Strategies 26 August 2023
In the system of art economic, galleries are part of the primary market, although they also sell works privately through their networks in the secondary market. Gallery owners in Iran have gone beyond these and included online auctions to art calls in their work plans. This multilateralism is evident in the activities of many Iranian gallery owners, because the burden of promoting v...
Eric & Sheila Azari
Collecting Art in Contemporary Iran; From Artists to Archivists 29 July 2023
Art collecting in contemporary Iran is more of a patronage that even leads to archival activities. But is it possible to classify Iranian art collectors and talk about their motivations? In this short essay, Savana Boghossian has tried to propose a framework for art collecting in Iran, considering the limited information at hand.
Iran's art market report 1401 : Artchart
Iranian Art Market Report for the Year 1401 SH 15 May 2023
When the Art Hall team was looking for the Iranian artworks' sales records for art appraisal, felt the void of an authoritative art reference. That's why Artchart was born in 2019. The purpose of launching Artchart was to create a database of the Iranian art market that can be used as a reference for a wide range of people, from artists to art collectors. Now Artchart has collected...