Salman Khoshroo

Iran | 1983
About Salman Khoshroo

The Most Expensive Artwork

At Auctions

First Attendance
1 July 2022
# Attendance
# Artworks
Average Realized Price
7,486 USD
Average Min Estimate
4,471 USD
Average Max Estimate
6,206 USD
Sell-through Rate
Average Growth of Artwork Worth
In Prison, Slave exhibition 1 November

Visual arts, a durable scream 17 November 2022
At this historical moment, art, like all fields, has faced fundamental questions: What is the mission of the artist in relation to political and social struggles? Or, basically, what is the relationship between art and struggle? When we specifically think about visual arts and consider the specific possibilities and limitations of this field of arts, questions like this take on a mo...