No. 39, Lotfi Alley, Mashayeer St., Haft Tir Sq., Tehran
1 September - 11 September 2023
By the side of Zendeh Rood
Long time ago
I watched trees right before me
With frozen roots
That moment
I decided to paint -- Laid the easel on snow
I breathe deeply and metamorphosed
I saw myself
Right before the mirror
And since then
My trees have lost their roots
Become leafless, barren
What a long winter!
And since those days
I’ve been restless and worried
I have a dream
And in somber tone
I’m whispering to myself every day
A repetitive murmur
Whether the day comes when
Green shoots grow from soil gain
New buds burst on branches in a queue
My trees grow roots again
And become leafy and green
Shahrivar, 1402
By the side of Zendeh Rood
Long time ago
I watched trees right before me
With frozen roots
That moment
I decided to paint -- Laid the easel on snow
I breathe deeply and metamorphosed
I saw myself
Right before the mirror
And since then
My trees have lost their roots
Become leafless, barren
What a long winter!
And since those days
I’ve been restless and worried
I have a dream
And in somber tone
I’m whispering to myself every day
A repetitive murmur
Whether the day comes when
Green shoots grow from soil gain
New buds burst on branches in a queue
My trees grow roots again
And become leafy and green
Shahrivar, 1402
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