25, Shiroodi Dead End, Mofateh Ave., Hafteh Tir Sq.
24 December - 11 January 2022
A fantasy is an unlikely situation, yet believable; an exaggerated form of the perception we have of our- selves in encountering wishful circumstances. The spectrum varies; from how we eat to how we interact in serious social situations, from thought forms to objectification, or even in the matter of artistic creation, from idea to execution and technique.
In this case, fantasy becomes a way of “transcending the self”, negative or positive.
In imagery however, a visual tension between decorative and artistic subjects creates distance between us and the meaning of the work and after a short period of contemplation, brings our attention back to the originating space of the artwork. This moment of oblivion is the result of these fantastic and luxurious behaviors and frames.
Saeed Nodehi
Available Nearby Exhibitions
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