Millon & Associés

Finished Auctions

Prints, illustrated books and multiples I Online
17 May 2024
1 Sold
Within Estimates
Total Sales €1,200
1,306 USD
Middle-East Modern & Contemporary Art
30 November 2023
2 Sold
Above Max Estimate
3 Sold
Within Estimates
Total Sales €150,000
163,434 USD

A Review on Christie's and Milon's Middle Eastern Modern and Contemporary Art Auctions, Fall of 2023 3 December 2023
The Middle Eastern art auctions of Christie's and Milon were held on November 9 and November 30, 2023, respectively, which also included several Iranian artists. There were 9 Iranian artists with 11 works in the Christie's and 10 Iranian artists with 13 works in the Milon, which in the following, you will read a report of their performance in these two auction houses.
From the Sepehri's trees to the painting's of Pooya Aryanpour; An overview of the Modern and Contemporary Middle Eastern auctions at Bonhames and Millon 29 May 2023
The modern and contemporary art auction was held on May 24, 2023 in Bonames and Millon & Associes auction houses. Iranian artists such as Sohrab Sepehri, Manouchehr Yektaei, Parviz Tanavoli and Marco Grigorian to younger ones such as Pooya Aryanpour were participated in these auctions and some of them were among the most expensive one's that were sold. This report is an overview...