
Tehran | Iran
Auction Terms You Need to Know Before Entering an Auction 1 July 2024
Auction houses are where wealthy collectors and art dealers gather and compete for the best of the art world. These actors tend to change the atmosphere of this world with their performance; Auctioneers are also interested in seeing the boom of the market with successful sales. Although, watching these events, the most important of which are the evening auctions, creates a certain e...
Tehran Auction Analysis: A Comprehensive Report Collection 21 April 2024
The Tehran Auction began operations in 1391 (2012/2013) and has since conducted nineteen sessions across four categories: Modern and Contemporary, Classic and Modern, Contemporary, and Modern. Artchart has meticulously reviewed each session, compiling detailed reports for reference. This page provides convenient access to Artchart's reports on the Tehran Auction, serving as a centra...
Iranian Art Market Report for 1402 SH (2023-2024) 20 April 2024
Artchart, which had previously examined the Iranian Art  Market in 1401 SH (2022-2023), has once again provided an in-depth report for 1402 SH (2023-2024). The forthcoming report will analyze the data collected in 1402 SH and compare it to previous years to illustrate the current state and trends within the Iranian art market. The initial section provides an overview of the mos...
The 19th Tehran Auction Report 10 February 2024
The 19th Tehran auction, also known as the 5th Classic and Modern Iranian Art auction, took place on January 26, 2024, at Parsian Azadi Hotel, Tehran. With a focus on both modern and classic styles, this auction featured 89 works by 69 artists, resulting in the successful sale of 82 pieces. Remarkably, the auction achieved an impressive sales rate, with 92% of the presented works fi...
Mohsen Vaziri-Moghadam's Market Review 27 January 2024
Mohsen Vaziri-Moghaddam, an Iranian painter, sculptor, lecturer, and art writer, was born in Behbahan in 1925 and passed away in Rome 94 years later. Throughout his career, he conducted various experiments using different materials and media. However, Vaziri-Moghaddam is most renowned for his sand paintings and articulated sculptures. His works have been featured in auctions since 2...