Research in the Art Market: Artchart in Conversation with Mohammad Reza Moridi 29 December 2024
In this conversation, Mohammad Reza Moridi, an art researcher and faculty member at Tehran University of Art, discusses the challenges and research related to the Iranian art market with journalist Hossein Ganji. Moridi explores the historical taboos surrounding the art market and the evolving discourse in this field, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary research in the...
Meaning of Price in the Art Market 10 October 2023
On July 8, 2023, the second meeting of gallery owners with the title of Gallery Owners, Art Market Structure and Challenges was held at Kaarmaan Art House. In this meeting, Maryam Majd and Shahed Safari, Sanam Haghigi, Sajjad Baghban Maher and Mohammad Reza Moridi gave speeches. In the following, you will read Mohammadreza Moridi's words on the meaning of the price in Arts.
Art Community, Social Movements: A series of conversations: Mohammadreza Moridi 5 April 2023
Mohammadreza Moridi is a professor at Tehran University of Art and works in the field of visual arts. He has focused much of his research on the economics of art. Moidi has been able to look at the Iranian art market from new angles and define his relationship with the regional art market. His research on the visual arts of other countries in the Middle East and MENA region, such as...
Artwork pricing mechanism and price reference group in Tehran auction 12 February 2022
This article was written by Mohammad Reza Moridi and Mohammad Javad Mohammadi and has been published in the book "Economics of Iranian Art". Pricing works of art is an important but ambiguous part of the art market. Arbitrary evaluations and pricing that only create symbolic value for the work and even prevent the sale of the work add to this ambiguity and reduce the buyer's confide...