This article was written by David Trasbi and translated into Persian by Kazem Farhadi. The present article, along with other articles by this author, was published in a book entitled "Economy and Culture" in 2003 by Ney Publishing.
"After a brief review of theories of creativity, we turn to the question of whether the production of works of art can be modeled as a process of rational decision-making," Trasbi writes in the course of the forthcoming article. We proceed to discuss the nature of such a model, which is based on generating the same level of value as the central theme of this book. We first introduce economic variables and consider the role of economic value as incentives and outcomes of the creative process. Finally, in reviewing the territory covered, we ask whether trying to vote for creativity in terms of rational conditions is really wrong. The nature of the creative process may be a conscious or unconscious form of irrationality that resists any orderly or structured formulation.