Hossein Kazemi

Iran | 1924 - 1996
About Hossein Kazemi

The Most Expensive Artwork

ArtChart | Untitled by Hossein Kazemi
Realized Price
At Auctions

First Attendance
31 October 2007
# Attendance
# Artworks
Average Realized Price
40,399 USD
Average Min Estimate
27,155 USD
Average Max Estimate
38,537 USD
Sell-through Rate
Average Growth of Artwork Worth

هیف قهرمان، بازار (1387).
A Review of Sotheby's and Millon's Modern and Contemporary Middle Eastern Art Auctions in Spring 2024 1 May 2024
As we step into the spring of 2024, the Middle Eastern art auction season is in full bloom, maintaining its biannual rhythm with showcases in both autumn and spring. Two events of particular note occurred on April 25th, 2024, hosted by both Sotheby's & Millon. This marked the commencement of the year's inaugural Middle Eastern art auction, promising a captivating exploration of...
A Detail of Untitled (Tomato Plant), Manouchehr Yektai.
A Review on Christie's and Milon's Middle Eastern Modern and Contemporary Art Auctions, Fall of 2023 3 December 2023
The Middle Eastern art auctions of Christie's and Milon were held on November 9 and November 30, 2023, respectively, which also included several Iranian artists. There were 9 Iranian artists with 11 works in the Christie's and 10 Iranian artists with 13 works in the Milon, which in the following, you will read a report of their performance in these two auction houses.
The work of Sohrab Sepehri, the most expensive artwork of the 17th Tehran auction
۱7th Tehran Auction Sales Report 26 July 2023
The 17th Tehran auction: modern and contemporary, was held on Friday July 21st, 2023 at Parsian Azadi Hotel. This auction achieved a total sale of 214 billion tomans equivalent to 4.3 million dollars, which was a growth of 77.8% compared to the previous period. Artchart has observed the 17th Tehran auction in the upcoming report.