No. 26, Golestan Blv., Africa St., Tehran
24 January - 17 February 2014
In its intentional calling up of the Myth of Eternal Return for our time, The Rose Garden of Remembranceresurrects the original Garden of Eden where the Sacred Marriage Rites were performed as an annual fertility rite of rebirth and renewal. This holistic tradition entered Persian culture through the Zoroastrian divinity Mithra and Anahita. We see this universal feminine face of divinity re-emerging through Karimi's unveiled women, integrating East and West. As the final work completed prior to this exhibition, Women and Allah encapsulates the narrative of Karimi's marriage of traditional Persian painting and contemporary whilefusing the personal and universal mythological hero's journey narrative. Not surprising, this boy has the face of the artist. This iconic image heals the wounds of the patriarchal religions, restoring the role of the feminine as birth mother and the divine son as the inner light of humanity re-enchanting us, once again, with painting. This is the lasting legacy ofShahram Karimi: The Rose Garden of Remembrance, reclaiming the past so that we may presently absorb a future that honors both the masculine and feminine face of divinity.
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