Los Angeles,
5225 Wilshire Blvd Suite 212, Los Angeles, CA 90036, United States
17 June - 8 July 2023
Hamzianpour & Kia is proud to present Double Take, a solo show by Farbod Elkaei. This is Elkaei’s first solo exhibition in Los Angeles; it consists of fifteen works created over the course of the past few months and will be on view from June 17th until July 8th, 2023.
Like a long line of artists before him, Farbod Elkaei aspires to delineate nature; but his approach is situated in something rarely found in nature: geometry. The deployment of geometry’s rigor to depict the most sinuous of subjects is one of the many contradictions that power his work and inspire the title of this show. The sharp lines, lucid colors, acute angles and scissor-like precision of Elkaei’s forms cut against the monochromatic and/or fluid backgrounds, creating a tension that eventually brings everything full circle -- by inviting the viewer to identify organic figures within the compositions. As such, the paintings occupy a self-generated space between figuration and pure abstraction. Within this space, the viewer is prompted to pause and look again - to perform a literal double-take. In the process, Elkaei disrupts and exposes the ever-increasing pace with which we pass by vistas in nature as well as works of art in an exhibition gallery.