With an ambitious and challenging multidisciplinary approach, Galerie Felix Frachon promotes the young contemporary art scenes from the so-called « emerging » countries through a unique curation of seasons dedicated to South Asia, Africa, Middle-East & Latin America.
Housed, since 2016, in a 30m2 old dry cleaning shop at 5 Rue saint Georges, Brussels, renovated into contemporary art space mixing « white cube » codes with warm curvy traditional Belgian house features.
In September 2017, the gallery doubled its size with a second floor and opened its project space « le 26 » – 26 Rue Saint Georges – extending its programmation to Art residencies, screenings, talks, performances, an open library, concerts, publications, editions & special projects, developing dialogues between cultures and practices.
In September 2017, , « le 26 » – 26 Rue Saint Georges – opened as a project space run by Galerie Felix Frachon and guests, allowing the gallery to extend its programmation to Art residencies, screenings, talks, performances, an open library, concerts, publications, editions & special projects, developing dialogues between cultures and practices.