Dena group: a female collective action 22 November 2022
Dana Group is the first all-female group in the history of modern Iranian art, which was formed in line with the independence and identification of female artists. Apart from the gender aspect, the activities and orientations of this group also add to the credibility and value of their activities in their six-year-old uncle. In this essay, Farzad Mohammadi has discussed the activiti...
Barriers to investment and capital attraction in setting up exhibitions and galleries in Iran 3 March 2022
Iranian art can make a significant contribution to the country's economic and development programs, such as increasing national income, entrepreneurship, job creation, export development, etc. Art galleries and expos play a significant role in the economic growth of Iranian art. The purpose of this research is to investigate the investment barriers in establishing art galleries and...
US economic sanctions against Iran and their impact on the Middle East art market 25 January 2022
In this article, Ahmad Rafiei Vardanjani examines the effects of US sanctions on the Middle East and Iranian art economy. He describes how the Iranian art community's move toward new art has been an essential strategy for escaping the consequences of sanctions and accessing global art markets, rather than being a free choice from the heart of art.This article was translated into Per...