Humans have always faced matters that have greatly affected and gave direction and meaning to their lives. Even after entering a modern world, these characteristics stayed with humans and they tried to build their paradise in this world. The main foundation of the utopia that was unrealized is very similar to the heavenly paradise that brought along concepts like pleasure and happiness with it. All of the holy religions share the same belief in the afterlife. And even though they aren’t described in the same way in all religions, there are many similarities. The concept of resurrection and apocalypse and punishments and rewards in an afterlife and the description of heaven is much more detailed in Islam than any other religion.
In Iran, our life experience has been more in line with these concepts. Going to heaven at the cost of avoiding sins has been one of the childhood teachings for most of us. I’ve also thought about this matter a lot during the different periods of my intellectual growth and at times, one of the principals of my life was making an effort to avoid sinning to go to heaven.